About us
Cultural Artistic Association "Mladost" ("Youth") came into existence in 1953 in Pale, a little town ensconced between the historical mountain Romania and the Olympic mountain Jahorina, recognized for the hospitality and cordiality of its inhabitants. Through different hobby groups (folklore, chorus, flute, guzzle, national orchestra and others), the club gathers children and young people of all ages. The club's mission is to uphold authentic folklore tradition and culture through dances, songs and folk costumes. We can therefore proudly assert that Cultural Club "Mladost" Pale is the ambassador of culture of this Olympic and ecologically spotless part of our country.
The club's program objectives: promotion of folklore tradition, amassing and preservation of folk costumes, fostering of music culture and reclaiming the authentic popular songs and instruments from obscurity (guzzle, flute, twin-flute), formation of hobby groups, cultivating inter-city cultural exchange with the countries and friends of our peoples.
In 1987 at a festival of folklore in Algeria, in the competition of 67 countries "Mladost" was tied for the first place with Indonesia. In October 2005 "Mladost" performed at the ceremony of the opening of the BiH Embassy in Prague.
Supported by the National Orchestra, the folklore ensemble achieved a number of noted performances in the country and abroad. To highlight are the first places at the festivals of folklore in Germany, in the city of Nojstat (1985), then in Algiers (1987) when, with 67 countries competing, "Mladost" was tied for the first place with Indonesia. At the congress of authentic folk culture in Teslic in 2000 "Mladost" triumphed while at the International Festival of Children's Folklore which was organized by SPKD Prosvjeta from Zvornik in 2003 the troupe won second place.
The club took part at the Children's Festival (1987) which was held in Turkey, and in folklore festivals in Greece in 1996, 1997 and 2000.
In August 2002, at the suggestion of the BiH Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the invitation of the Mayor of Salonika (Greece), "Mladost" appeared at the Balkan Square Festival which was held in Salonika.
Particularly important to point out are guest performances at the European Folklore Festival, the most important large-scale folklore youth festival which took place in Paris in 2001 and Hungary in 2002 with the participation of young people living outside their mother country.
Also to mention is successfully organized 8th European Festival of Serbian Folklore, Pale, 2003, with the participation of more than 1500 people from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, Hungary, France, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia, who are organized through prestigious clubs and folklore troupes.
In 2004 "Mladost" took participation at the most important event which was organized by the Association of Serbs in Romania called "Marathon of Serbian folk songs and dances" in Temisvar. The juniors performed at the International Festival of Folklore called "Sea without borders" in Burgas, Bulgaria. At the close of the year they visited their friends, members of the cultural club "Sumadija" from Hajbron in Germany where they performed for the aficionados of folklore.
In 2005 they presented their repertoire at the congress of traditional, popular creativity in Teslic, guest-performed in hotels along Budva riviera (Montenegro), and also participated at the "Marathon of Serbian folk songs and dances" in Temisvar. In October 2005, presenting dances from the Glamoc area "Mladost" performed on the occasion of the ceremonial opening of the BiH Embassy in Prague. A new choreography "Stani Rado, bela rado" from the Leskovac Pomoravlje region has already been put on stage. Next follow preparations for the traditional New Year concert which will take place on December 3rd, and also for the festivals of folklore troupes from the region. There will also be now traditional winter concerts on Jahorina where tourists would be able to see folk costumes and dances and listen to songs from the Pale area.
The headquarters of KUD "Mladost" is co-located in the premises of the Cultural centre where more than two hundred young people gather and under professional guidance guard folk customs, dances and songs, rescuing them from oblivion.
KUD "Mladost" Pale is the ambassador of culture of this Olympic and ecologically spotless part of our country. The club educates generations of folklore dancers, musicians and singers who are advancing our customs and promoting them with success at festivals around the world.
Their repertoire includes:
- Dances from the Sarajevo region
- Silent Bosnian wheel dance from the Glamoc region
- Dances from Eastern Herzegovina
- Vlaske dances
- Dances from Serbia
- Dances from Pirot
- Vranje suite
- Dances from the Leskovac Pomoravlje region
- National orchestra, chorus and singing groups repertoire.