The Cultural Artistic Association "Mladost" pays attention to maintenance and affirmation of traditional values of the Serbs, and their presentation in the country and abroad.
Searching for the ethnology and choreology and with top professional leadership, our goal is to keep authentic form of the rich folklore inheritance of our environment and wide region.
The promotion of collaboration with our neighbours, through the culture and friendships, is one of the priorities of the Association. Young people spend their free time in trainings, education, parties, making friends, travels, and staying away from various vices.
Our primary goal is to form and maintain a versatile, creative, free personality, what gives to our activities a sociological character.
The top recognitions in the country and abroad included the Cultural Artistic Association "Mladost" in the group of the bests Associations, and ambassadors of the culture and good mood. That obliges us to put even more effort in order to confirm the image of the Association which has maintained the authenticity of the national creativity.
We want to work on promotion, that we will realize through permanent widening of the repertoire, better coordination, foundation of new clubs in order to be the best for the audience.
We will do our best to be returned for many times on the stage for top-quality performance with magnificent colours of dances, songs and customs, ennobled with youthful enthusiasm of ours members.